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This research was sent to me in January of this year by Dr. Volodymyr Krasnoholovets, one of the top theoretical physicists at the Institute of Physics in the Ukraine. This article contains the research that was carried out in Russian pyramids built during the last 10 years by Alexander Golod from Moscow. This article was sent to me to be posted exclusively on our web site. We thank Dr. Krasnoholovets and his associates for giving us the honor of releasing this research to the West.
Also, please see the excellent Photos of these Pyramids which we have posted. These photos were sent to me exclusively by Anatoli Golod, son of Alexander Golod who built the pyramids. Please listen to our radio program in which we interviewed Anatoli Golod for the first time. You can access the radio archives from our home page.
The 22 meter pyramid is situated15 km from lake Seliger
(Ostashkov area of Tver region, Russia)
The Great Pyramid of Giza, as the first miracle of antiquity, continues to excite our curiosity. Although a number of secrets have already been disclosed, the idea that the great miracle still hides its mystery involuntary occurs to someone when he or she looks at the gigantic monument. The Great Pyramid raises many questions - why, what, how, etc. - which still wait for answers. In fact, who can today give an exhaustive account of the reasons why a tomb was constructed as such a giant regularly shaped monument? How was it built? What techniques did the builders use and what kinds of instruments did they apply? (In the Pyramid a plate of iron was found that was probably made thousands of years before the iron era originated.) What intimate knowledge of mathematics and astronomy was encoded in the form and sizes of the Pyramid? Whence did the architects gain such an awareness? (The number pi was put in the geometry of the Pyramid and again it was two thousand years before the discovery of pi by Pythagoras.)
Egyptologists have made great advances for understanding the style of life and thinking of ancient Egyptians. Pyramid researchers incessantly rack their brains over the problem of how to penetrate inside the secrets of form and proportions, which were laid in the groundwork of the construction of the Great Pyramid. Advisory board members of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association also have made a great contribution to the correct interpretation of the phenomenon of pyramid. Stephen Mehler in his research article The Origin of the Word Pyramid elucidates that the Greek word pyramid means "fire in the middle." Then he says that the ancient Egyptians used the term Per-Neter for pyramid, which means House of Nature (compare Egyptian Neter and Latin Natur), or House of Energy. Mehler notes that one of the main purposes of the Great Per-Neter was to generate, transform, and transmit energy. Christopher Dunn in his The Giza Power Plant came up with a hypothesis that the Great Pyramid was a geo-mechanical power plant that responded sympathetically with the earth's vibrations and converted that energy into electricity. He writes that the transducers for this power plant are an integral part of the construction that is designed to resonate in harmony with the pyramid itself, and the earth. His conclusions were made following a detailed engineering analysis of the Great Pyramid's interior design as well as well-known unusual effects, which are observed inside the Pyramid. In particular, Dunn supports his conclusion by referring to the study of the King's Chamber by acoustic engineer, Tom Danley, who detected infrasonic vibrations in the King's Chamber that were harmonics of the earth. He conjectures that the chamber, by its geometric and physical design, might be a mighty transducer.
Other unusual physical, mechanical, biological and medical effects have also been revealed in both the Great Pyramid and its models. Many of those effects are described in a large body of books and articles and discussed here in the web site of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association. In this article, I would like to give an account of the recent study carried out by my colleagues, physicists, biologists and research engineers. Moreover, I will talk about my own research that has been conducted in the Institute of Physics (Kyiv, Ukraine), a basic institution of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Our Institute was one of the leading scientific centers of the former USSR; in particular, it holds the leadership and continues to maintain the lead in the expertise needed in military research.
During the last decade, some scientists have used the pyramid form to study the fluctuations in energetic and informational fields. In particular, in Russia near Moscow two pyramids were constructed to a height of 22 meters and 44 meters made from modular glass fiber plastics. Their construction is thin-wall, internal hull misses. A ratio of height h not of a truncated pyramid to the side a of a foundation is equal to h / a = 2.02. The metallic members in the construction and foundation are absent. The foundation is belt. A foundation is ground; the floor is optional. Orientation is derived by the Polar Star. The place is desirable being outside of man-influenced areas, among clean nature. Wall thickness at the foot of the 22 m pyramid was 36 cm and at that of the 44 m pyramid was 70 cm. A weight of glass-fiber constructions accordingly is 25 and 55 tons.
For the last years, different teams from the Russian Academy of Sciences have carried out many experiments in the pyramids. Some of the experiments are enumerated below.
1. Prof. S. M. Klimenko and M.Dr. D. N. Nosik from Ivanovskii R&D Institute of Virology, Russian Acad. Med. Sci., have studied the pyramid field's effects on the antiviral activity of immunoglobulin. The object of investigation was venoglobulin – a human polyvalence immunoglobulin for the intravenous introducing, lyophilized. The study was conducted on a culture of diploid cells of fibroblasts of the person. They utilized the virus of encephalomyocarditis (EMC) of mice for the determination of antiviral activity of immunoglobulin. Antiviral activity of the drug was determined by its capacity to protect cells of the person from cytopatic impact of the virus. Venoglobulin was diluted pursuant to the operating instruction in distilled water up to the concentration 50 mg/ml. In this study, the drug was tested in two concentrations: 50 and 0.5 microg/ml. Then aliquots of venoglobulin in both concentrations were housed in the pyramid. Venoglobulin was deposited to cell-like cultures 24 hours prior to their contamination by the virus. It was found that venoglobulin in concentration 50 microg/ml considerably inhibited the breeding the virus, approximately three times. The antiviral effect was still maintained at further dilution of venoglobulin up to the concentrations 0.005 and 0.00005 microg/ml with consequent exposures in the pyramid. Antiviral activity of venoglobulin practically ceased to develop by these concentrations.2. Prof. A. G. Antonov's team from Russian R&D Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology (the department of reanimation of pathology newborns) investigated the influence of 40%-s solution of glucose intravenously and distill water outwardly after exposing them in the pyramid. The patients were newborns with high-gravity pathologies. Then they compared the indices of instantaneous state (IIS), which mirror the state of sympatho-adrenal system of the patient. The data on 20 patients were analyzed. In all cases of applying of 40%-s solution of glucose in amount 1 ml the IIS essentially increased practically up to normal values even for the patients with very low initial values of IIS, close to zero point. It was the same after applying 1 ml of water, which stayed in the pyramid.
3. In the laboratory of Dr. N. B. Egorova at the Mechnikov R&D Institute, Russian Acad. Med. Sci., the impact of a field of the pyramid on living organisms was studied in respect to the reactivity of an organism to a taint. The study was conducted on a model taint of mice called by the exciter S.typhimurium, the strain 415. White underbred mice weighing 12 to 14 g were held in the pyramid miscellaneous time and with a different multiplicity. In some day, mice were infected in four 10-multiply increasing doses of S.tiphimurium, starting from 10 up to 104 microbial cells. The control was served with mice from the same crew, which was contaminated with the same doses of culture, but not held in the pyramid. It is authentically established that the survival rate of mice, after their exposure in the pyramid, considerably exceeds those in the control group of animal. At contamination by smaller doses, 60 % of mice held in the pyramid have survived, in control only 7 %. At contamination by large doses accordingly 30 % of mice held in the pyramid have survived and 3 % in control. The deduction: Stay of mice in the pyramid essentially promotes the heightening of their resistance to consequent contamination of S.tiphimurium. Therefore, it is possible to speak about a powerful immunomodulating influence of the pyramid on nonspecific reactivity of the organism of animal. An analogous pattern was observed with the mice introduced to different carcinogens. Mice in an experimental batch drank water that was held in the pyramid. Control animal drank customary water. Result: The odds of appearance of swellings for control animal has appeared more times, than for animal drinking water that stayed in the pyramid.
4. Prof. V. I. Kostikov and Dr. A. C. Katasonov from the R&D Institute "Graphite," Russian Ac. Sci., studied the effect of a field of a pyramid on the resistance of carbon materials. The subject of their study was pyrolytic carbon receivable by precipitation of products of a pyrolysis of methane on a graphitic substrate with temperature 2100 C. The measuring was conducted by the four-sounded method on direct current at normal conditions. The size of laminas was 25 mm x10 mm x 1mm, spacing interval between potential contacts was 3 mm. The ganging current was by density 1500 mA /cm2. Before putting in the pyramid the resistance came out to 5 to 7 microOhm*m. After a stay in the pyramid of a day, the resistance increased 2 times. These variations are abnormal for pyrocarbon. Even the neutron irradiation with the fluence ~1019 neutrons/m2 did not give a variation of more than 5 %. Besides they detected the decrease of the resistance of silicon of semiconducting purity from 105 to 104 Ohms*cm and loss of the high-temperature superconductivity by samples after the mentioned exposure in the pyramid.
5. A group of researchers from the All-Russian Electrotechnical Institute, Moscow, examined the rate of action of a field of a pyramid on an electrical field in a lengthy aerial gap between a rod and plain when the gap was affected by an electric pulse of positive polarity with duration 250 and 2500 microsec. As a kernel system the aerial gap ROD-PLAIN with interelectrode spacing interval 5 m was utilized. The system under test was the same; however it included seven chunks of granite put on the plain. The weight of each chunk was 100 g and they formed a circle with diameter 1 m on the plain; the center of the circle distanced 0.5 m from the center of the plain. Before the experiment, the chunks were placed in the pyramid. 100 voltage pulses influenced the control system and the test one. The discharge voltage ranged up to 1400 kV. The pathways of discharges and the dots of defeat of the plain were logged. The results of trials, dots of defeat were plotted. It was authentically recorded that the amount of defeats in the kernel system exceeded five times their amount in the test system. The deduction: An outline of rocks that have stayed in the pyramid had powerful defensive properties from a defeat by electric discharge for the part of the plain, restricted this outline.
6. Researchers from the Scientifically Manufacturing Union "Gidrometpribor" (Russia), the director A. A. Golod, conducted a series of experiments associated with the pyramids.
a) Inside the pyramid were placed some plastic vessels with distilled water and the state of water was observed within three winter months. The water did not congeal, and saved all condition of fluids during all this time. The minimum temperature of air inside the pyramid was -38 C. The ganging of temperature of water inside a vessel showed that it corresponded to the temperature inside the pyramid (i.e. water did not congeal even when its temperature reached -38 C). Customary mineral water in plastic bottles behaved similarly also. When the vessel with water was shaken up or hit on it, crystallization inside the vessel started and the water quickly turned to ice.
b) Ring-type outlines from chunks of granite and crystal, which were under an exposure in the pyramid, have been circulated around Moscow and the Moscow region since the end of 1997. By the beginning of 1999, it has made about 40 such rings. Each ring contains from 50 up to 300 rocks with total weight from 20 to 200 kg. It is anticipated that the odds of an appearance of any epidemics will drop with each year that is well visible already in an example of the influenza in the last two winters. The younger the age, the more intense is the effect.
c) With the help of radiolocation setups working in the meter range and distanced on 30, 32 and 60 km from the pyramid, the Joint-stock company "R & D Institute TTR" (see below) conducted detections of space in the neighborhood of a vertical fulcrum of the pyramid. During the study the availability presumptively of a ionic formation by altitude up to 2000 m and width 500 m was revealed. This presumptively ionic pile permanently changed the altitude from 800 m up to 2000 m. With a sufficient confidence figure the circle of a diameter more than 300 km with heightened degree of ionization of air and with the center in a zone of the pyramid was detected. The facts of the break off of pieces of an ionized pile over the pyramid and its migration with an upward flow of the air also were noted. The pieces saved the configuration on large spacing intervals from the pyramid.
d) On the territory of one of a number of oil wells, a small pyramid was installed. In a few days after that the viscosity of the oil in the seams decreased by 30 %, the production rate of wells accordingly increased. Petroleum composition (amount of gums, pyrobitumen and paraffin) started to be altered. The fractional composition of oil was offset in the side of mild fractions. Experiments made with the participation of the Gubkin Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas have affirmed those results.
e) Before sowing, seeds of agricultural cultures were held down in a pyramid from 1 to 5 days. Tens of thousands of hectares were sowed with more than 20 cultures. In all cases the increase of a crop was from 20 to 100 %; the sowings were not sick, a drought did not affect the crop. The amount of toxiferous matters in plants was decreased sharply. When an outline of small rocks that had stayed previously in a pyramid were placed around the crop, similar results were obtained.
Among other studies with less authentic results the following was noted. (a) The level of toxicity of any matters including toxic and poison matters, which had been under the exposure in a pyramid even short time decreased. (b) The level of radioactivity of matters held in a pyramid diminished. (c) The level of pathogenic of different albuminous formations (viruses, bacteria), that stayed in a pyramid is slashed. (d) In a range of the pyramid action, or in a range of subjects, which were held in a pyramid, the performance of any psychotropic influence upon people diminishes. (e) The rather reassuring data are obtained in case of applying standard solutions (glucose, isoosmotic solution, etc.) intravenously and outwardly at alcoholism and drug addiction even in the very much launched shapes.
7. Of special note is the study of pyramids conducted by Dr. Yuri Bogdanov, the Joint-stock Company "Scientific and Thechnological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication" (TTR), (Kharkiv, Ukraine). The Bogdanov's investigations were based on a special device called "Tesey" constructed by Dr. Bogdanov and his colleagues. Dr. Bogdanov participated in the choice of a place under the building of several big model pyramids in Russia. Then he conducted consequent examinations of the properties of each of the pyramids and effects, which originated in them and around them (see the previous point). One of the pyramids was built in the settlement Ramenskoe of the Moscow region. There a 12 m pyramid was constructed. With the help of "the effect of pyramids" it was possible in the domestic state farm "Ramenskoe" to augment productivity of wheat 4 times. Studies of changes of properties of matter were conducted there as well. It was revealed that the half-life of carbon was altered; the structure of salt patterns changed; the strength properties of concrete varied; the optical behavior of crystals under consideration changed. The studies of influence of the pyramid on animals showed the following: the physical endurance of rabbits and white rats was twice increased; the leukocytic composition of blood was altered.
In Blizhnii Bereznik, a town that is situated in the Arkhangelsk region of Russia, a complex of pyramids was constructed by the order of the domestic administration. These helped clear water in a blow well from raised levels of strontium and heavy metals. This was successfully carried out. In Krasnogorskoe town situated near Moscow a pyramid for reducing elevated salinity of water was constructed as well. Many laboratory studies have been performed on medicinal preparations, fungi, etc. In Kyiv the properties of interaction of matter with the pyramid field patterns of different genesis were studied; the investigation included also the interplay of the field patterns with the consciousness of the person. The basic results of operations have been discussed on the Conference on Problems of Harmonization of Mankind held in Kyiv and been published.
I am thankful to Dr. Y. Bogdanov who placed at my disposal materials used in the writing this section.
Quantum Physics Background
It may sound rather strange, but having understood the reasons for such a considerable influence of the pyramid on a matter, we should turn to the inspection of the fundamental construction of Nature. A theoretical physicist who works tightly with condensed matter experimentalists understands that all the phenomena observed by his colleagues are caused by the microstructure of specimens studied. In other words, the phenomena should be contained – in more or less explicit form – in structural blocks of specimens. The blocks include atoms/molecules and special kinds of bonds between them.
Just the same takes place in quantum mechanics and generally in quantum physics; we may say that the phenomena which we study should reflect the properties of structural blocks of real space. A detailed analysis of the fundamentals of quantum physics carried out recently by the author has shown that a vague vacuum of quantum physics and an empty space of general relativity should make way for a single substrate. Indeed, the models of grand unification of all physical interactions based on experimental results allow the calculation of evolutions of three constants (electromagnetic a
e-m, weak a w and strong a s as functions of distance r that parts interacting particles. All the constants come together at 10^{-28} cm, Figure 1.
Moreover, high-energy physics proposes an abstract "superparticle" whose different states are quarks, electron, muon, neutrino, and others. Thus taking into account these two facts, one may suggest that just those superparticles form a world substrate, which shares both discrete and continual properties. The substrate may be thought of as the degenerate space net. So, the space net is simulated as a tessellation of balls, or superparticles, or elementary cells, which are the primary blocks of Nature.
A local deformation of the space net, i.e., a stable change of the initial volume of a superparticle in the degenerate space net, is associated with the creation of a particle in it. Unstable deformations constitute spatial excitations, or quasi-particles, called "inertons." When the particle begins to move it experiences friction-striking superparticles. Owing to the interaction with coming superparticles, the particle emits and then absorbs elementary excitations, i.e. inertons. Once the particle is in motion between fluctuating superparticles, inertons migrate as typical quasi-particles, i.e., they carry bits of space deformation hopping from superparticle to superparticle by relay mechanism.
The particle oscillates along the trajectory, i.e., its velocity v changes periodically from v to zero along the particle's de Broglie wavelength l . With such motion, inertons, which accompany the moving particle, oscillate in the surrounding of the particle. Oscillations of a cloud of inertons are specified by amplitude L = l c/v where c is the velocity of light. Note that the value L indicates the cloud size distribution in the vicinity of the particle.
Thus, inertons surrounding a moving particle make up a substructure of the matter waves, which so far have only been treated in the framework of the wave probabilistic formalism and, therefore, any physical interpretation of the y -function has not been taken into account. Meanwhile experiments conducted by my colleagues and me provided rigorous support for the submicroscopic approach to quantum mechanics.
Summarizing we may infer that just the inerton field, a new physical field, whose carriers – inertons – make a substructure of the matter waves, generates the quantum mechanics formalism in the region from 10^{-28} cm to the atom size. The amplitude of particle's inerton cloud L limits the radius of action of the field of a particle. This also signifies that the same distance restricts the gravitational radius L of a particle since any piece of information about the particle cannot be found beyond the bounds of its inerton cloud. Thus, the dynamic inerton field becomes a real candidate for understanding the gravitation phenomenon and yet the research conducted denies an option of the existence of gravitons of general relativity without any doubt. The inerton field is capable also of accounting for macroscopic phenomena trespassing upon the range traditionally described by general relativity. This means that general relativity loses its monopole rights as the all-embracing theory: the static relativity should be replaced for a dynamic theory based on the inerton field that realizes the direct interaction between massive objects.
Inerton Waves of the Earth
In condensed media, the relationship between the parameters of atoms and their clouds of inertons shows that amplitude L of an atom's inerton cloud much exceeds the distance between neighbor atoms. This means that inerton clouds of atoms overlap and in such a way that additional interaction between a media's atoms is settled. In other words, when we treat any matter, we should take into account that it is embedded in another substrate, or a quantum aether, or the space net and that the interaction of atoms with the space net induce one more field (i.e. the inerton field) which together with the electromagnetic one connect all atoms of the matter studied.
In my recent research, the impact of inertons on the collective behavior of atoms in a solid has theoretically been treated and then experimentally approved in metal specimens. It has been derived that the force matrix W that determines three branches of acoustic vibrations in the crystal lattice consists of two components, W = V + U. Here, V is the conventional term caused by the elastic electromagnetic interaction of atoms in the crystal lattice and the second term, U, is originated from the overlapping of inerton clouds of adjacent atoms. Much probably U is very small. However, the availability of U means that an outside inerton field is able to influence the crystal lattice increasing amplitudes of vibrating atoms.
However, where can we take a source of the inerton field? A condensed medium and, in particular, our planet itself may be considered as a source of inertons. Actually, the motion of atoms of the Earth considered to be an ideal globe moving as a single unit apparently does not differ in principle from the motion of a free particle shortly described in the previous section. A macroscopic globe only contains inner structural bonds, which keep atoms in the globe. The bonds lead to the coherence of atoms – roughly speaking we may imagine that all atoms in the globe nailed to their positions. Deviations from coherence in the motion of atoms caused by thermal fluctuations and various mechanical, physical and chemical processes, produce excitation of the atoms and as a result, generation of acoustic waves takes place. Consequently, the corresponding excitation of inertons (inerton waves) accompanying the acoustic waves will appear as well. If the lifetime of a sound excitation happening in any place of the Earth lasts only 1 sec., the corresponding inerton wave will be able to round the terrestrial globe about ten times.
Figure 2
Two types of stationary inerton flows can be set off in the terrestrial globe. Their availability is associated with the motion of the Earth: 1) the orbital motion of the Earth around the Sun with the velocity v
1 = 30 km/s and 2) the proper rotation; with this motion the velocity changes from zero in the center of the Earth to v2 =2 * pi * REarth / 24 hour = 462 m/s in the equator surface (here REarth is the radius of the Earth). In Figure 2, the point A is a source of a sound excitation and hence the source of an inerton wave as well. Two directions of spreading of the said flows assigned by the vectors of velocities v1 and v2 are shown in Figure 2.Waves of any nature in principle can be amplified in a resonator. Therefore, using a resonator in the point A one can try to amplify inerton waves generated by the Earth. Strong waves can more easily be recorded experimentally. Let us consider characteristics which a resonator of inerton waves of the Earth should possess. As mentioned above, we can separate out two types of inerton waves propagating in the terrestrial globe: 1) radial waves propagation along the diameter (rather in antiparallel with the orbital velocity vector v
1 of the Earth) and 2) tangential waves propagation over the surface zone of the Earth along the equatorial East-West line (i.e., rather against the vector of the rotational velocity v2 of the Earth on the equator). In the former case, the inerton wave front running along the diameter of the Earth travels in the cyclic period a distance Lrad = 4 * REarth. In the second case the inerton wave running around the Earth passes a distance Ltan = 2 * pi * REarth. (Here, for simplicity we neglect a constant factor at REarth that takes into account the geographic latitude of point A). From these two expressions, we obtain the relationshipL
tan / Lrad = pi / 2.Apparently, this relation also characterizes the ratio between the wavelengths of the tangential and radial n-ths harmonics.
Let us assume that a material object is located in the globe surface far from its poles. The object has linear dimension
a in the horizontal plane along the East-West line and h in the vertical direction, i.e., a / h = pi / 2,the object should play the role of a resonator of inerton waves of the Earth since the object has a form similar to the Earth sphere (in the limit
a, h << REarth). Figure 3 depicts:
Figure 3
a cross section of the terrestrial globe, the point A on the globe surface, lengths of two ways which the two distinguish inerton flows overcome per a circle and a resonator placed in the point A. The profile of the resonator has the form of an isosceles triangle which base and height are equal
a and h respectively. Such a resonator is able to intensify inerton waves, which have wavelength a in the horizontal direction and h in the vertical one and may amplify their harmonics.
(Of course the proper rotation of the Earth moves the point A from the orbit line of the Earth, nevertheless, in the globe radial excitations are spontaneous and self-sustaining process.)
Resonator of the Earth Inerton Waves
The amplification of vibrations of atoms of a test specimen in the resonator under the effect of the inerton field can apparently be considered as an analogy of the effect of ultrasound or microwaves sound. In fact, the total force matrix W of a crystal is formed by the two terms, V and U, having the same rights. As is generally known, the effect of destroying and crushing various structures and polishing surfaces is characteristic of ultrasound.
The goal of our experiment was the study of measure of changes in the non-uniformity surface of the specimen (its polish, finish or sharpening), which stayed in the resonator for some time.
The resonator was made of two identical rectangular plates of organic glass (transparent in the visible optical spectral band and with the dimensions of the plate 20 cm x 16.5 cm and the plate thickness 3 mm), which were sharpened and bonded together along one of the long sides. The angle of inclination of each of the plates with respect to the horizontal has made up 52 degrees. Therefore, in the section perpendicular to the line of bonding of the plates, the resonator had the shape of a triangle. The dimensions of the base of the triangle
a = 20 cm and of the height h = 12.7 cm satisfy the relationship above, i.e., a / h = pi / 2. The resonator was placed on a polished wooden horizontal surface. No objects were found at a radial distance of about 70 cm from the resonator. The upper edge of the resonator (the line of the plates bonding) was oriented along the South-North line and, therefore, one plate faced the East and the other the West. A wooden support column 4.5 cm height, with the cross-section area 1 cm x 1 cm was placed in the center of the resonator and the specimen being tested was put on the column.
Our investigation was related with the cutting edge (point) of a razor blade, but before putting it into resonator, a small reference specimen was cut out of the blade. The blade was put on the column into the resonator so that the axis of the blade was oriented along the South-North line. The main action on the blade on the part of inerton waves was expected in the plane of the blade along the East-West line (this action amounts to a peculiar sharpening of the cutting edge) and the less intensive action – along vertical direction. We studied razor blades produced by four different companies. Investigation of the structure of the cutting edge point of the reference specimen and of the specimen subjected to the hypothetical inerton field was carried out by scanning electron microscope JSM-35 (Japan) operated in secondary electron mode under 25 kV accelerated Voltage. The exposure time lasted to 30 days.
We investigated razor blades of several companies. Fragments of the cutting edge of one of them (a "Gillette" blade) are presented for comparison in Figure 4, the reference and test specimens, micrographs a and b, respectively. Figure 4a shows that the fine structure well discernible on the reference specimen is substantially smoothed on the edge of the blade, which has stayed in the resonator for a month, Figure 4b. The morphologically more coarse structure is well preserved. (Note that pressure, temperature, humidity, etc. could not make any changes in the morphological structure of the test metal specimen separated from the reference one by 1.5 meters; the two parts of the specimen were found under the same atmospheric conditions.)
When the whole system was swung through 90 degrees, i.e., the planes of the resonator and the cutting edge of the blade are oriented to the North and South, then no distinctions are observed between the fine structure of the test and the reference specimens after the blade has stayed in the resonator for a month. This points to the fact that the continuous generation of inerton waves of the Earth along the Sourth-North direction is absent.
Pyramid's Field
As we have just seen, invisible inerton waves of the Earth always accompany any physical process that occurs on the Earth surface or inside of it. Because of that the Earth inerton field may be treated as an alternative to the aether wind which, speaking the language of physicists of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Earth might experience in its motion through the world aether.
Apparently, just inerton waves increase inside Egyptian pyramids and their models since the pyramids are typical resonators of inerton waves, which are excited in the Earth. In fact, faces of the pyramids are oriented with a high degree of accuracy to the cardinal points of the compass. Besides, the ratio between the side of the square
apyr and the height hpyr of a pyramid is very close to the value pi / 2. The equality is held for the Great Pyramid, apyr / hpyr = pi / 2, and this means that its shape corresponds to an optimal resonator. At all events, the profile of the Great Pyramid (along the East-West line) unambiguously points that it was built as a resonator of the best quality-factor. Moreover, the word pyramid itself indicates to its inner properties – the "inside fire" of the construction.Figure 5 shows profiles (along the East-West line) of three possible shapes of pyramids: a sharp pyramid, the Great Pyramid and an obtuse pyramid. The first one that is shown in the Figure depicts those Russian ones which were described in the second section; the pyramid is characterized by the ratio a / h = 0.5. Since the value 0.5 is approximately three times less than the number pi / 2, we may suggest that parameters of such sharp pyramid are not able to keep the inerton waves inside the construction. The sharp pyramid plays rather the role of a radiator (but a sharp pyramid may function also as an antenna absorbing inerton radiation from outer space). We mentioned above that researchers from the company "Gidrometbribor" indeed fixed presumptively ionic formations over the sharp pyramid. To the contrary, an obtuse pyramid may rather function as a radiator that emits amplified inerton waves into the Earth surface. The Great Pyramid of Giza and the smaller pyramids should work the same as the resonator described in this article as the happy medium, i.e. do not intensively radiate up or down.
Figure 5
Inerton Waves, Modern Science and the Great Pyramid
Do inerton waves actually fill the interior of the Great Pyramid? Nobody knows the right answer. No research team or person has never studied the Great Pyramid for availability in it of inerton waves, especially since the correct notion of inerton waves was introduced
in fundamental science only a year ago (see References below). Many physical societies such as the European Physical Society, the American Physical Society and others still ignore the existence of inerton waves in Nature. Physical societies and scientific foundations maintain experimental and pragmatic programs and support rather conventional projects, which aim at advantages or improvements of so called canonical fundamental concepts, theories, new approaches and methods developed in the context of recognized backgrounds. Many academicians are not able to perceive the discovery of inerton waves as the waves were derived within the the framework of a radically new methodology, which constructed the gravitation phenomenon, emerged from the developed submicroscopic quantum mechanics. In fact, would the academicians easily recognize the existence of inerton waves, which unambiguously deny gravitational waves of general relativity (deduced theoretically long before the quantum mechanics appearance)? Note that for the searching non-existent gravitational waves, which as though are radiated from distant stars, scientists have already allocated over 100 billions dollars. We enumerate here only some of the global projects: LIGO (USA), LISA (USA), VIRGO (France and Italy), EXPLORER (CERN), GEO 600 (Germany and Great Britain), TAMA 300 (Japan), ACIGA (Australia), etc.Meanwhile, studying the Great Pyramid of Giza might bring about a major breakthrough in both fundamental science and the universal thinking of the human community. In fact, everyone knows about the Great Pyramid and admires the deep technological expertise of ancient builders. All of us will be pleased to learn about the knowledge of ancient architects. Consequently, if we would confirm once again our results this time inside the Great Pyramid, this will help to us to convince the non-believers. Namely, we will prove that the Great Pyramid is actually filled with inerton waves and hence one of its functions is to be a resonator of inerton waves, which are excited by the Earth in the world space net (or world aether, if you want). Thus, we will demonstrate that over 4,500 years ago people already possessed the knowledge, which we re-discover today. The proof will allow the immediate corollary that their knowledge about the submicroscopic construction of Nature much exceeded the attainments of modern official science. In such a manner, the Great Pyramid, House of Nature will give us a unique chance to launch radical changes in our views on the nature of things, advance the frontier of thorough knowledge and therefore will promote the regulation of links aimed at harmonious peaceful co-existence.
Unusual influence of the Great Pyramid on animate and inanimate objects of nature may be associated with a special field in the Pyramid. It turns out that the Great Pyramid may have been built as a resonator of that field. In my recent research, the field was called "inerton" since it arises from a submicroscopic quantum consideration of a moving elementary particle in the structure of real space in which the motion occurs. In essence, the inerton field is generated due to friction of a moving particle by the space treated as a quantum substrate, or aether. From the mathematical point of view the substrate may be simulated as a mathematical space that is densely packed by its building blocks - elastic cells. Any particle is also an element of the space. Then when we treat any material object, we should take into account that it is embedded in the space substrate that posses its own properties and is able to interact with massive objects. For instance, you may imagine a metallic framework, which is placed in a room filled with air. You know any vibration of the framework will immediately be passed to the air and the latter will vibrate as well; in its turn any vibrations of the air will excite the corresponding vibrations in the framework. The same happens with the moving Earth as long as it fits into the space substrate. Atoms of the Earth vibrate and interact with the space generating inerton waves both in the space substrate that contained the terrestrial globe and in the surrounding Earth. We may distinguish two constant flows of inerton waves of the Earth. The flows are caused by the proper rotation of our planet from the West to East and its motion along the orbit around the Sun. Paths passed by the fronts of these two flows are characterized by ratio pi/2. So an object whose dimensions satisfy ratio pi/2 and the orientation coincides with the quarters of the world to be a resonator of inerton waves of the Earth. Using the scanning electron microscope, we studied changes in the surface of metal specimens, which stayed in a small resonator for some time. The fine structure of specimens stayed in the resonator were smoothed noticeably. Thus the presence of inerton field in the small resonator was proved experimentally. Besides the inerton field manifested itself also in other experiments. In particular, it makes clusterization of hydrogen atoms in the KIO3*HIO3 crystal, affords the anomalous photoelectric effect both in rare gases and the surface of metal, etc. In such a manner, the existence of the inerton field may be taken as proved. And this means that general relativity loses its monopole rights of the all-embracing theory: the static relativity should be replaced for a dynamic theory based on the inerton field that realizes the direct interaction between massive objects.
Summarizing we may infer that the inerton field, a new physical field, which as fundamental as the electromagnetic one may well have been known by the architects of the Great Pyramid. They built the Great Pyramid as the House that was saturated with inerton waves.
We would like to propose a group research project, which goal is the measuring different fields inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. We shall not study the Pyramid for new chambers, airshafts or diverse cavities. Our research team does hope to show that the Great Pyramid in fact is a resonator of the inerton field of the Earth. The main purpose of our project is the analysis and detailed classification of fields that imbue the interior of the Great Pyramid. In such a manner, our team would like to record radiations in the three major chambers, the Grand Gallery, the main passages and around the Great Pyramid. Namely, we plan to measure:
i) the total radiation in different points of the inside of the Pyramid and the outside (over a wide range of frequencies, by intensity, by the directions: East, West, North, South and also down and upwards);
ii) the electromagnetic component of the total radiation, i.e. the pure electromagnetic radiation (by frequencies, by intensity, by the directions);
iii) the inerton component of the total radiation, i.e., the inerton radiation (by frequencies, by intensity, by the directions).
(Let us remind the reader that in terms of the submicroscopic concept of the construction of nature the electromagnetic and inerton fields are treated as only
two fundamental fields of Nature. The unification of the fields is reduced to the space net, or a quantum aether, that is simulated by special building blocks – superparticles [or cells, or balls].)For conducting such a study of the Great Pyramid, we should produce an applicable instrument, with a special detecting piece whose heart is a pyroelectric chip. The threshold of radiation sensitivity of the detector is about 1 picoWatt. Moreover, we will use other techniques which have proven useful in measuring fields in scaled pyramids and composite buildings.
Thus, our equipment will be capable of measuring the two said fields separately (the electromagnetic one – optical, thermal and radio-frequency ranges and independently of it – the pure inerton one) and their mixture in needed parts of local space. The instruments will show the distinction between continuous and pulse field flows. All our instruments function on a passive operating principle.As an outcome, we will sketch the broad outlines of the fields' distribution. All the results obtained will be carefully treated and then be presented by way of a scientific report of the expedition on the web page of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association.
Some members of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association would add the research team as well. And we would like to think that the director of the Association Dr. John De Salvo could head the given project.
About Team Members
Volodymyr Krasnoholovets
, manager of the project, Dr., senior scientist, graduated as a theoretical physicist from the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. For about 20 years, I have been working in the Department of Theoretical Physics at the Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine). In my scientific work, I tightly contact experimentalists from experimental and applied departments of our Institute and other scientific centers. This is why my research touches conventional and applied physics. The most internationally known results were obtained in the physics of hydrogen-bonded systems. In addition, since the middle 1980s I was taken an interest in the study of foundations of fundamental physics. At the present, the results obtained in this area are also coming to light. In particular, in the end of 2000 I was invited: a) to occupy the position of the vice-editor of "Spacetime & Substance," a new international journal dedicated to the rigorous study of all aspects of gravity and fine structure of matter; b) to become an advisory board member of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association.Olexander Strokach
, Dr., senior scientist, vice-head of the department, and Mykola Morozovsky, Dr., senior scientist, for about 25 years have been working in the Department of Receivers of Radiation at the Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Dr. Strokach graduated as a theoretical physicist from the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. At the department, he is working as a theoretical and experimental physicist. Besides, he is a leading technologist of the department. During 1998, he conducted research in the Seul University, South Korea. Dr. Morozovsky graduated as an experimental physicist from the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University as well. At the department, he is a leading specialist in the area of microelectronics. Drs. Strokach and Morozovsky have had a strong R&D skill and experience in the work associated with the technological elaboration, production and application of pyroelectrical receivers. This is a unique laboratory involved with other scientists in developing leading edge technologies (I would add that in modern Russia, Germany, France and many other countries there are no such remarkable specialists at all.) In particular, our receivers have successfully functioned in the spectroradiometric equipment of numerous military and civil spaceships. Specifically: the Russian Mir space station; space satellites, which investigated Venus and comets; artificial satellites and aircrafts, which carried out soil investigation, etc. Being certificated in the former USSR, our receivers have worked as standard measuring tools and control devices measuring the energy and power of coherent and noncoherent electromegnetic radiations; the receivers were introduced in medical facilities, for instance such as "Differential infra-red pyrometer for medical diagnostics" that has been functioning in the Ophthalmology Clinic of Odesa (Ukraine) for ten years, etc., etc.Valery Byckov,
Dr., research scientist of the Department of Physical Electronics, Institute of Physics. He is a remarkable experimentalist in the making of sensors based on nanoparticle structures for infrared radiation, temperature, and mechanical strength. He is also an expert in the microanalysis of nanomaterials and nanostructures by use of Transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and Tunneling Electron Microscopy. Besides he is a specialist in the computer analysis and elaboration of sophisticated experiments.Yuri Bogdanov
graduated as a cybernetics, PhD in technical sciences. He is a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Energy-Information Sciences.For about 20 years, he worked in Moscow in the R&D Institute of Air Systems and then in the State Scientifically Manufacturing and Design Center for Rocket Production (Korolev town, Moscow region) at which he constructed cruise missiles. Missiles were tested at Feodosia, Ukraine. Now Dr. Bogdanov is a citizen of Ukraine, lives in Kharkiv and works there in the Joint-stock Company "Scientific and Thechnological Institute of Transcription, Translation and Replication" (TTR), he is the vice-president of the Institute. Today his activity is associated with the development of new instruments for the study of the Earth including its examination from outer space. The device "Tesey" elaborated at his participation allows the detection of peculiar properties of a geological feature of territory, the recording of cues of "breathing" of the Earth, etc. The device has successfully investigated power fields of various buildings including pyramids as well.
Olexander Sokolov
, senior scientist from the same Institute of TTR. He is a remarkable specialist in the measuring and diagnostics of surface geometry of a territory and the analysis of results with software applying.Oleh Kramarenko
, major geologist from the firm "Ukrainian Energobuilding," Kharkiv. He was the first who introduced new equipment of the series ''Tesey" for diagnostics of bowels of the Earth in Ukraine. In our expedition, he will responsible for the study of geologic features of the ground of the Great Pyramid.For the first time in practice with usage of new know-how, i.e. devices of the series "Tesey," the principally new pattern of a constitution of foothills has been constructed by Dr. Bogdanov and his collaborators Mr. Kramarenko and Mr. Sokolov. The territories of Poland, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Oman, and Iraq have been investigated. Namely: a) diagnostic of entrails of the Earth (eliciting of the centers of earthquakes); b) system design of safety from natural disasters (optimal systems of the warning of rock bumps in mines); c) engineering-eniological studies of composite engineering buildings
.The partner of Dr. Bogdanov, sheikh
Junaid Mohammad Khoory from Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, is also gone into the team, which one who is a specialist in the utilizing know-how of variation of the structural performances of matter at the availability of energetic shapes of a type a pyramid. He is a researcher and the director of a joint venture in the UAE. Mr. Khoory is well known in religious and business communities of Egypt. He is a very impressive personality.
Notwithstanding our strong skill and experience, common funds available to our research team are not enough. That is why we would like to appeal to companies, foundations, institutions and all other organizations as well as businesspersons and individuals with the following
Dear friends, dear faithful followers of the Great Pyramid,
dear lovers of science and esoteric knowledge,
We would like to ask you to assist us in our endeavor to study physical fields in the interior of the Great Pyramid of Giza and investigate the primary source of their appearance. The instruments needed for such a detailed study can be made in two to three months but the work, associated with their making, requests funds approximately $30,000. Your any financial support, any gift or voluntary donations will greatly appreciate.
Sponsoring our research, you become an actual participant of a radical revolution in the area of fundamental physics, which in fact is still possible in the beginning of the new millennium. At the present modern Science knows only one fundamental field of Nature, namely the electromagnetic one, discovered by Michael Faraday and James Clark Maxwell in the middle 19th century. All together we will be able to proof to all of skeptics that the Great Pyramid in fact contains fantastic information about the Nature construction and it keeps back the information about the inerton field, which until now is still unknown to contemporary all-knowing official Science.
Inerton field, being widely known, may contribute a lot to our knowledge of the Nature laws. Many anomalous phenomena revealed in astrophysics, quantum physics, quantum chemistry as well as parapsychology might easy be elucidated taking into account the availability of the inerton field. In particular, some of our facilities used in telescopes will be able to create a new branch of astronomy, namely, the inerton astronomy, which will be a nice addition to such traditional branches as optical, radio and X-ray astronomy. Besides, since the inerton field influences people (rather as a pathogenic radiation at a long exposure and the Great Pyramid is a striking example) it is very important to inspect all solid building, office blocks, residential constructions, etc. and the ground for buildings by special facilities. Our team would be pleased to assist architects, builders and all interested in such kind of investigation.
If you have decided to support our project, please contact Dr. John De Salvo, the director of the Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association.
back up, the friends of knowledge, we need all the help we can get
V. Krasnoholovets, V. Byckov. Real Inertons against hypothetical gravitons. Experimental proof of the existence of inertons. Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 1-23 (2000) [].
V. Krasnoholovets' Home page
I would like to thank Dr. Krasnoholovets and his team of scientists for allowing us to exclusively post their research on our web site. Our association is honored and privileged to release this information to the world. We also hope we get the funding and support for these scientists to carry out their proposed experiments.
I also would like to thank our Advisory Board Member and Egyptologist Stephen Mehler and his associate, Professor of English, Theresa Crater for the editing of this article. They spent many hours trying to make this article understandable to the general public.
I would gladly try to answer any questions, comments, or information about our association, advisory board, and ongoing research of our members. Please email me at:
John DeSalvo, Ph.D., Director
Great Pyramid of Giza Research Association
January 24, 2001