Cross section of the pyramid showing the interior passages
From the above diagram you can see that there are two systems of passages, a downward or descending system and an upward or ascending system. The entry into the pyramid is on the north side, which is about 56 feet above ground level. This entrance leads into the descending passage which slopes down at an angle of about 26 degrees. It is a narrow passage which measures about 3 1/2 feet wide by almost 4 feet high. The distance of this descending passage to the beginning of the horizontal Subterranean chamber passage is about 344 feet. This shorter horizontal section leads to the subterranean chamber. This large chamber is a strange place, measuring 46 X 27 feet with a height of about 11 feet. In the center of this chamber on the east side is a square pit which is about 10 feet deep, known as the "bottomless pit". It ilgauss srchives is called the "bottomless pit" since at the time of its discovery, it was not known how deep it was. Continuing from the subterranean chamber is a smaller passage (about 2 1/2 feet square) that runs horizontal for about 53 feet and ends in a blank wall.
Let us look at the ascending system of passages. As we start down the descending passage from the entrance, after about 97 feet, we come to where the ascending passage intersects with it. It is blocked by 3 large granite blocks. Following the ascending passage, (which has approximately the same dimensions as the descending passage), up at its 26-degree angle, after 124 feet, we finally arrive at a large open space. This is known as the grand gallery. It is a hall 153 feet long and 7 feet wide at the floor level. It is about 28 feet high. At this point of intersection, you can take one of two routes. You can continue going up the grand gallery and eventually end up in the King’s chamber or continue in a horizontal direction through another passage (127 feet long) and wind up in replica watches uk the Queen’s chamber. Also at this intersection (where the ascending passage meets with the grand gallery) is a hole which leads to a shaft (known as the well shaft) which connects with the descending passage below. This near vertical tunnel is about 3 feet in diameter. The King’s chamber measures about 34 feet by 17 feet and 19 feet in height. The Queen’s chamber measures 18 feet by 17 feet and 20 feet in height. It should be noted that the passages are all in the same vertical plane, parallel to the north-south axis of the pyramid. They are not in the direct center of the pyramid but off 24 feet to the east of center. Thus the entrance to the pyramid is not in the centerline of the north side, but to the east of it by 24 feet. Also all chambers extend westward from the vertical plane of the passage system, and none extend eastward.
Textbooks on history and mathematics tell us that the Greeks discovered the relationship of pi. Pi is the relationship between the radius of a circle and its circumference. The mathematical formula is:
Circumference = 2 * pi * radius (C = 2 * pi * r) That is in any size circle you draw, this relationship will always hold true. Thus if you measure its radius and multiply it by 2 and pi, this will always equal the circumference of that circle. It appears that the value of pi was built into the Great Pyramid of Giza, hundreds of years before the replica watches uk Greeks allegedly discovered it. How was this value built into the great pyramid? The vertical height of the pyramid holds the same relationship to the perimeter of its base (distance around the pyramid) as the radius of a circle bears to its circumference. If we equate the height of the pyramid to the radius of a circle, than the distance around the pyramid is equal to the circumference of that circle. |