The Subterranean Chamber Vortex . . . And the "Purple Pipe"

I had originally witnessed the vortex in a sub chamber model with an eastern wall viewing window. The model was intended to have an air cushion, but the air leaked past the viewing window. Lucky Me! The model allowed me to watch small particles enter the chamber and make three slow outer loops from the floor to the ceiling. When the particles reached the ceiling, they spiraled inward toward the center above the pit. As they reached the center, they shot downward into the pit spinning madly. . . Hence Vortex!

The vortex action can also be seen at the wastegate. There is significant rotational twist of the wastegate valve. It spins. Demonstrates the vortex is working in the sub chamber. So, the sub chamber does create a vortex for the wastegate line. Schauberger also showed that a vortex changes part of the water's thermal energy into kinetic energy. Thermal energy is random molecular motion. Kinetic energy is motion in a particular direction. The vortex changes the random motion into ordered directional motion. Thus, the water entering the pit is cooler and has an overall greater velocity.

Viktor Schauberger showed that water running through long pipes have extremely low and even negative resistance when a vortex is used in the pipe design. Negative resistance!! The wastegate line was approximately 2000 feet long and probably 4 foot square. This would be an excellent application!

How much energy is incorporated in the thermal energy of water? Schauberger showed that it takes 42,700 Kgm of energy to warm 1 cubic meter of water 0.1 degree Celsius!

The Purple Pipe

I wanted to make a more compact version of the sub chamber / wastegate assembly, all in one unit. Originally there was about 7 feet and 39" of drop from the barrel to the sub chamber. Tacked onto the bottom of the pit, there was an additional 50 feet of pipe and 32" of drop to the wastegate. Believing that the total head was (39"+32"=71") seventy-one inches, I ran a 40 foot pipe from the water source to the sub chamber. This had about 60" of drop. The wastegate was placed three feet away from the sub chamber, and was at the same height as the bottom of the pit. I thought that this would run similarly. It ran erratic and didn't pump much water to any height.

Nearly all of the descending passage's kinetic motion is turned into potential twist in the sub chamber. This configuration had all potential twist and basically no "head". Other reasons for this belief come from calculations of the height water SHOULD have pumped from amount of head (believed to be) present in this setup. For the Great Pyramid, the first 158' of drop is converted to twist, then the next 130' - 170' is converted to kinetic energy for the wastegate /hydraulic hammer. This is from observations and calculations. I was not able to find any type of mathematical / physics formula for the twist.

At one point, a small stick stuck in the wastegate valve. A continuous water flow was spraying up at a 1/4" brass pipe which was used to vary the valve weight. Within an hour, the brass pipe turned purple. It looked exactly as if it had been heated with a torch. Interestingly, the brass valve was not discolored.


The vortex caused drop in temperature of water and resulted in an increase in velocity and ordering of molecules. The stuck valve and resulting spray onto brass pipe caused near instantaneous decrease in velocity and disarranging of molecules. Disarranging of molecules is random molecular motion - heat. The pipe turned purple because of the continuous heat transfer.

BIG QUESTIONS (Does anybody have the answers?)

1. What would be the effect of ionization on vortex and measurements?

2. What effect does the vortex (with it's high angular velocity) have on the sound (shock) waves coming up from the pit??

3. Does the vortex disperse the waves?

4. Does it have an effect on the velocity of the wave?

5. What happens when the shock wave hits the ceiling - which way does it go??

Sounds like a problem for vectors and matrices! I believe it would require a large matrix to clearly design the sub chamber for high efficiency. Remember the first ray tracing programs - the math and theory behind them? Multiple millions of calculations required for each variation!


Any questions, comments or answers are welcome and can be sent to

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