Jeff Deschamps - FRANCE - Jeff is the Founder of the popular web site "Khufu's Last Will". He is also pyramid researcher studying the "Shafts" in the Great Pyramid of Giza. He has recently developed a new theory on the "Shafts" and there role.
Jeff has an M.A. in English and was a teacher for many years. Currently he is a Web Developer and Webmaster at ManiaSys ( He is a Great Pyramid researcher and was also one of the first Advisory Board Members this association.
Jeff has also launched a small directory and search engine on ancient civilizations called the Ancient Repertorium.
http://www.repertorium.netHis own personal website about his theory on the Great Pyramid is one of the most popular in the world and is located at:
His information, research and graphics are really outstanding and you will enjoy his site.